Imago Dei

As I was walking and praying this afternoon – after another heavy day – God brought to my heart a poem (prayer?) I wrote in January of 2012. I don’t know who else needs these words today, but I know I certainly do.

Imago Dei

I am told You are everywhere I look.
I strain my eyes but seem only to find:
the downfall of society,
the worship of depravity,
the bad taste of humanity
and I am tired of looking.

The people I meet, the man on the street,
can’t seem to lift their eyes higher than themselves.

Caught up on I level,
they want only to get what’s theirs and get gone.
But You look at the heart all along;
and if what’s in the heart manifests in these actions
then what’s on the inside really must be lacking.

I see the attitude of man and I forget Your plan.
Why would You want those like us in Your hand?
Tell me, what makes us so loveable?

I feel the cynic inside start to rise
and I know it’s time for a new pair of eyes.
Because where I see selfishness, You see insecurity;
Where I see pride, You see immaturity;
Where I see self-righteousness, You see desperation;
Where I want to cut them off, You want to pour your grace in
…with patience.

Realign my eyes.
Even now I realize:
if I’m made in Your image,
then they must be, too.


Reconsider, then, the man in front of me
and think for one minute
that they were made in the image of God,
and they are shattered by sin.

Lord, I need so much more than correction
because these eyes of mine look only one direction
and try as I might I can’t see Your connection.
So when I look for Your highest, I forget to look low.
Like when Samuel met David, I don’t know what You know
or what You will use the least of us to show.

Give me Your eyes and a new way to see
so in the broken pieces of who You made them to be
I can still catch a glimpse of You.
This life that’s before me is an unfinished story,
one that You may yet use for Your glory.

Give me Your eyes and teach me to see,
that I may see them the way You see me.

What are your thoughts?